Professional Medical Infusion IV PumpProfessional Medical Infusion IV Pump
Hospitals have a critical need to maintain the reliability of infusion pumps. Professional Medical Infusion IV Pump are widely used and play a key role in patient care. They automate a repetitive hospital procedure that can directly impact patients’ lives. But despite their popularity and improved design, infusion pumps remain associated with the highest number of technical complaints or adverse events reported to a hospital’s techno-surveillance team.
A common problem with large-volume infusion pumps is leaking and/or obstructed delivery, resulting in wasted fluid and medication and potentially aggravating the patient’s health condition (e.g., venous spasm, phlebitis). The most common reason for these problems is a malfunctioning pump, but this is not the only cause of infusion pump failure. Incorrect or inadequately performed maintenance, user error and a lack of knowledge can also contribute to infusion pump failures.
Professional Medical Infusion IV Pump: Trusted by Healthcare Providers
One potential problem is a small air bubble that may remain after priming or form over time in the infusing fluid. Although all infusion pumps detect upstream air bubbles and alert the nurse, clearing an air bubble is a multistep process that interrupts fluid delivery.
The authors examined data from the EHR for each secondary medication observation and determined that the primary drug level was located above the pump in only 5% of all observations, indicating that a requirement to set up the head-height differential system with 20 inches between the pump and the primary infusion bag during actual clinical use is not being met. In addition, the authors found that the primary line of a majority of the pumps did not contain a back-check valve to prevent unintended pump flow into the secondary infusion tubing, exposing the patient to possible complications, including infection and delayed therapy.…