Unlike the days when prospective buyers spotted a property they wanted to view by looking in estate agent windows, or scouring property ads in local papers, now the vast majority of real estate sales, rentals and purchases start with an internet search. Getting your SEO strategy right is the key to capturing this online audience.
A well-executed SEO service for estate agents will result in your website ranking for keywords that are relevant to a buyer, seller or landlord in the real estate market. And when this happens, it can open the door for new clients to contact you directly and start the buying, selling or rental process.
Real estate agencies are no different from any other business when it comes to the need for quality, relevant supplemental content on their websites. A blog, in particular, is a great way for your agency to establish itself as an authority on the real estate industry and build trust amongst prospective customers.
Effective SEO Services for Estate Agents: Boost Your Online Presence
Estate agents typically like to keep their homepages as visually focused as possible – with large sliders of properties, calls to action and a property search function at the top of the page. But in order to be effective when it comes to integrating keywords, your homepage needs to contain a significant portion of unique text content that targets the specific keyword phrase you are targeting. This will also help your website to rank for this keyword phrase and improve overall site performance.